Double Head Resort, July 11, 2009:

If anyone wants to make prints from these photos, please contact me at The photos on this site are low-res, web-optimized copies that are not suitable for printing. I have high resolution versions which are large, but much better for printing.

Prewedding photos of Chris's family.

Chris's mom Karen Nelson

A young child who shall remain nameless due to his mother's paranoia.

Chris's incredibly handsome uncle Joe and his beautiful wife Kelly

Chris's mother Karen and stepfather Kevin

A better photo of a young child who shall remain nameless due to his mother's paranoia.

A young child who shall remain nameless due to his mother's paranoia, and his paranoid mother.

Wedding vows:

From left to right: Chris's aunt Marie, A young child who shall remain nameless due to his mother's paranoia, Chris's incredibly handsome uncle Joe, Joe's sexy wife Kelly, Chris, Chris's stepfather Kevin, Chris's mom Karen, Chris's brother Brent.

Chris's incredibly handsome uncle Joe and his new friend.

Chris and his mom.

Kim and her grandfather.
