
We spent two nights in a hotel at the base of the volcano in Arenal. This is one of Costa Rica's active volcanos that last erupted in 1968. Our hotel was once an observatory built by the Smithsonian Institute to study the seismic activity in the region.

This is a view of the volcano from the surrounding country side. This volcano is neary 5000 feet high. Although not visible from the photo, reckage from a plane crash several years ago can be seen with binoculars near the top. Earlier this year, several hikers were overcome by fumes from the volcano and died. Since then, access to the summit is restricted.
This is a view from our hotel room. We could lie in bed and see the volcano out our window. During the night we were awakened by an eruption. It sounded like loud thunder followed by lava and white hot rocks spewing down from the cone. It was over in a matter of seconds, so I did not get a picture.
Here's another view of the volcano. We planned on sacrificing a virgin to the volcano gods but unfortunately, we could not find one.
Kelly is enjoying a day of site seeing in the town of Arenal.
Here are some happy, friendly street vendors enjoying a cool summer day completely unaware of the story of Pompei.
The church near Arenal is very beautiful. It's sad to think that some day it will probably be annilated in a fire storm of hot lava and burning ash while it's parishioners tremble in fear of their impending doom.
This is a garden outside the church with several topiaries. We enjoyed an afternoon stroll here before lunch.
Delano Ferguson (Kelly's father) enjoying a fine Cuban cigar.
Dennis Conway attempting to photograph a Brown Warbler.
Coffee plants.
End of Arenal page