Isla Genovesa

Genovisa or Tower is one of the most north east islands in the chain. This is just a small, fairly flat rock. It's called Tower because it is basically a tall slender tower with just the top hundred or so feet peaking out above the ocean. The waters are very deep just off shore.

Red Footed Boobie

Kelly and I with a Red Footed Boobie in the tree behind us. The red footed boobies nest in trees, while the blue footed ones prefer the ground.

Red Footed Boobie

Red Footed Boobie

Red Footed Boobie

Yellow Crowned Night Heron

This is a Yellow Crowned Night Heron. We have these birds in Florida, but they are very rare. I've only seen them twice, and always at a distance. I could have easily had this one for lunch.

Sea Lions:

Maple Glazed Sea Lion
  • 100 lbs. sea lion meat, blubber removed.
  • 1 lb. salt
  • 1 lbs. pepper
  • 5 gallons maple syrup
  • 2.5 gallons cider vinegar
  • 3 gallons Bourbon
  • 4 cups prepared hot mustard
  • 2 cups ground cumin
  • 4 cups liquid smoke
  • 12 lbs. thick-sliced bacon

Mix liquid ingredients in large stock pot. Add sea lion meat, and marinate overnight. Remove sea lion and roll in dry ingredients. Set aside for one hour. Thread meat on spit over hickory fire. Rotate slowly until charred. Remove sea lion from spit and wrap in sliced bacon. Boil marinade down to thick reduction and pour over meat. Return meat to fire to brown bacon, Serve with barbecue sauce and pico de gallo.

Serves 150.

Sea Lions:

This little guy was running up to everyone looking for his mother. The guides named him Pepe. His real mother was probably out fishing.


Genovesa is most famous for it's Great Frigate birds. They are a member of the pelican family.




Male frigates have a large red pouch under their bill which they inflate to the size of a football to attract mates.


It takes them approximately 45 minutes to inflate the pouch and another 45 minutes to deflate it.





Here is a female frigate in her nest with a small chick.
